Record Amazing Vocals With a Badass on Board.

Marta is a Master in Studio Recording.
Getting an awesome recording experience starts with a uniquely driven artist with great songs. But locking that to “tape” is a process of building stacked vocals usually out of sequence. Raps, hooks, stacked harmonies, lead melodies and ad-libs all go in the soup but in a technical way that can sometimes disorient left-brained creatives. Get a Vocal Genius on your team who understands the artistic and technical elements of vocal recording so you can focus on the performance. Marta Woodhull speaks singer’s language and elicits brilliant vocals from her artists.
And digital audio vocal editing.
Studio recording is as much a science as it is an art. Marta is an expert in digital audio recording, vocal editing, tuning or re-mixing. Track your vocals on Vintage Neumann microphones, or send us the raw files and she will tweak them into an insane masterpiece. Your edited final vocals are exported for Pro Tools, Logic, or DP compatibility. When we take it to the final product, we use Capitol Studios in Hollywood as our Mastering Lab. Just so you know how bad she kicks ass. (Brian McKnight, left.)